Cash Flows

IR ─ Operating Results ─ Cash Flow

Cash Flow

Cash Flows from Operating Activities (JPY in millions)




Full year

Cash Flows from Investing Activities (JPY in millions)




Full year

Cash Flows from Financing Activities (JPY in millions)




Full year

Cash and Cash Equivalents at the End of the Period (JPY in millions)




Full year

*The second quarter (Q2) represents cumulative financial results for the six month period between April 1st and September 30th.
*The third quarter (Q3) represents cumulative financial results for the nine month period between April 1st and December 31st.

*the Company has not prepared a consolidated balance sheet as it no longer has any consolidated subsidiaries as of March 31, 2018 due to the resolution to absorb, liquidate or sell all consolidated subsidiaries during the period. Therefore, return on equity ratio for the year ending March 2018 are not shown. For the year ending March 2018 consolidated statements of income period includes the twelve months from April 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018.
*Figures for the fiscal year ended 2018, cash and cash equivalent represents non-consolidated basis while cash flow shows consolidated results for the 12-months period between April 1 2017 to March 31 2018. This is because the Company had no consolidated subsidiaries at the end of FY2018 with all consolidated subsidiaries being absorpted, liquidated or resolved to be sold during the FY2018.
*Figures for the fiscal year ended 2019 are non-consolidated basis as the Company had no consolidated subsidiaries.
*Figures for the fiscal year ended 2020, the Q1 and Q2 are non-consolidated basis as the Company had no consolidated subsidiaries. From Q3, the Company has made consolidated financial statements due to an acquisition of Prop Tech plus inc.. Please note that, however, the deemed acquisition date is the end of Q3, only the balance sheet is consolidated and income statement is not consolidated for the Q3.
*Figures for the FY2021/3 and FY2022/3 are consolidated basis.