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We believe that our purpose is “to support the advancement of society developing a new way of providing information through technology”, and our mission is “to provide a mechanism that embodies the value of information”.
So far, we have revolutionized information provision in the fields of finance and economics by realizing a “mechanism for providing information using technology” with our unique technology, earning high praise from individuals and corporations alike. Alongside various changes in the social environment, such as the increasing interest in building a sustainable social and economic environment and the growing awareness of social diversity, as well as the further acceleration of technology evolution and digitalization, our role in addressing the social issues, which is to “provide mechanisms that embodies the value of information,” is expected to evolve further in the future.
In response to these challenges, we will utilize data processing technology, proprietary AI technology, and the latest technologies such as blockchain and Web3 to acquire and process vast amounts of information instantaneously and provide accurate information to those who need it, when they need it, and in the necessary format. Through these efforts, we will strive to provide people with a sense of security and safety, create spaces for connections and interactions, enhance the added value of information providers and content, and create new user experiences. Furthermore, through these activities, we will support asset formation and improve the quality and efficiency of business activities of financial institutions, contribute to the revitalization and healthy development of capital markets, and contribute to the realization of economic prosperity for individuals, as well as to the creation of a rich society by realizing a new way of providing information using technology.
Based on these considerations, our company will continue to work in dialogue with all stakeholders, including shareholders, users, business partners, and employees, to sustainably create both social and economic value through its business activities, taking a long-term perspective.
Representative Director,President & Chairman Ken Uryu
Identification of Materiality
We provide information distribution services using various technologies and innovative ideas. We gather appropriate information and distribute such information to whom needed in a relevant format. Through our information distributing business, we recognize that our responsibilities are to fulfill the needs of society to solve societal and environmental issues. We also recognize that clarifying our concrete position and action is expected from stakeholders.
Given our plans for the future considering changes to the external environment, Sustainability Committee has determined the current materiality following the process below, and reported to the Board:
Step1) Explore focus business areas and elements to achieve the future vision from the company’s perspective in mind with consideration of changes to the external environment of economy, society and development of technologies.
Step2) Evaluate and specify details of Step 1 with consideration of stakeholders’ viewpoint referring GRI(Global Reporting Initiative)’s “Sustainability Reporting Standards,” SASB(Sustainability Accounting Standards Board)’s “Sustainability Accounting Standards,” various ESG evaluating institutions, and media information.
Step3) Assess the impact of those specified in Step 2 with timeline, to our company’s growth and contribution to social sustainability.

To achieve sustainable management and continuous growth of our group, we have established a Sustainability Committee as the body responsible for determining the basic policies and measures for sustainability management.
Having the Representative Director as the Chair and senior operating officers including directors with operating officer double hatted as members, the Sustainability Committee is structured to represent the company’s ultimate decisions and make strategies in a timely manner. We also formed a team with related business within the group to promote the sustainable practice effectively. The Sustainability Committee reports to the Board of Directors on an update of sustainability management quarterly and updates any significant matters accordingly.