Shareholder benefit

IR ─ Stock Information ─ Shareholder Benefit program

We introduced a shareholder benefit program for the purpose of showing its gratitude to all of its shareholders for their support and aim to improve attractiveness of the shares and to increase shareholders who hold the shares for a longer time period.

Eligible Eligible shareholders

Shareholders who hold 500 or more shares and are listed in the shareholders regiser on every September 30 and next March 31 under the same shareholder number are eligible.

Details Contents of the shareholder benefit program

We give benefit points as below, which can be exchanged for more than 5,000 types including the Company’s charged stock information service “KABUTAN Premium”, food, electric devices and travel coupon, through “MINKABU PREMIUM Benefits Club”, a web site only the Company’s shareholders are accessible.

Number of sharesNumber of points given
First fiscal yearOn and after the second fiscal year
500-599 shares4,000 points4,400 points
600-699 shares8,000 points8,800 points
700-799 shares12,000 points13,200 points
800-899 shares16,000 points17,600 points
900-999 shares20,000 points22,000 points
1,000 to 1,999 shares24,000 points26,400 points
2,000 to 2,999 shares28,000 points30,800 points
3,000 to 3,999 shares32,000 points35,200 points
Over 4,000 shares40,000 points44,000 points


  1. Benefit points are given based on the number of shares held on March 31.
  2. Registration to “MINKABU Premium Benefits Club”, a website exclusively for shareholders, is required to exchange points for rewards.
  3. Points for the second and subsequent years are awarded to shareholders holding 500 shares (5 units) and as of the end of September and the end of March of the previous fiscal year with the same shareholder number. Please note that points for the second and subsequent years will not be awarded if the shareholder number has changed due to sale, the change of the name of the shareholder to another person, inheritance, etc.
  4. Shareholders benefit points can be carried over one year, subject to shares are continuously held under the same shareholder number.